We starten de avond door elkaar te ontmoeten in kleine groepjes aan tafel. Na
een tijdje verschuift iedereen van tafel, zodat je de kans krijgt om met zoveel
mogelijk mensen te praten. Dit

Danny Vera
Date info
Le 09/04/202520:00
Suggested events
With performances of TJ WEST, IZZY, WARRE & DRE it's looking to be a night full
of talent. Supported by Afro/Amapiano DJ's Miro & Abena upstairs & crazy latino
dj's downstairs.
De Kruisemse zangeres Kimberly Claeys volgt haar muzikale pad al 20 jaar en
speelde in talloze projecten en bands. Vanaf 2008 tourde ze meer dan tien jaar
The focus of music research on conservation relies on a particular view of music
as an essentialised object, being safeguarded against the ravages of linear
time. Western music pedagogy is
Experience a unique evening and meet the Kurdish legend in a beautiful concert
hall. Enjoy the music of Razazi and his musicians, with whom he has been
performing for years.
No Name Collective proudly presents:
Welcome to our fourth installment of Belgian black metal, craft beers and metal
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