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Echoic Choir is a new collaboration between singer, performer, and sound artist
Stine Janvin and choreographer Ula Sickle which takes clubbing back
Kanal - Centre Pompidou
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Visite guidée en langue des signes de Belgique francophone (LSFB)
29oktober 2023
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Technology is omnipresent in our daily lives, but what do our online
relationships actually represent? How do we inhabit a community through an app?
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For the second edition of FAÇADE, a series of monumental works in the public
space taking over the scaffolding at the site of the future KANAL-Centr
Perspecti·ef·ve tours with Sara Oualad (MolenGeek)
12oktober 2023
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Discover the Connecting exhibition through the eyes of Sara Oualad, deputy
director of MolenGeek, a technology incubator and ecosystem at the heart
L’industrie a longtemps été la principale activité économique de Bruxelles avant
de décliner, à partir des années 1970, et de laisser place aux bureaux. Cette
évolution est particulièrement tangibl
Myriam Van Imschoot & Lucas van Haesbroeck - Nocturnes for a Society
23mei 2023
-28mei 2023
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Met onze stemmen weven we een nachtelijk klanktapijt en gebruiken het als deken
om onder te kruipen en in een bijzondere slaap te verzinken met d
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The third evening of NIGHT SHIFT takes place on Saturday, and sees electronic
musicians turn the experience of clubbing into a moment rooted in the
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Coinciding with the launch of Queer Exhibition Histories, a new publication
edited by KANAL curator Bas Hendrikx, this symposium examines the effort
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Pan-Africanism is seen primarily as a political project. But in the many guises
it takes, it also engages in cultural and aesthetic innovation. Imag
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Just a stone's throw from KANAL, on the Quai des Charbonnages in Molenbeek, iMAL
brings together a community of artists and citizens from Belgium an