Hype-O-Dream 2022


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Voorgestelde evenementen

Every year in July jazz enthusiasts can have a great time during the Gent Jazz Festival. Renowned artists from Belgium and abroad make up the programme. The charming Bijloke site is the backdrop for this jazz festival that appeals to a broad audience. Global superstars and up-and-coming talents will treat the audience musically. You will also be able to enjoy delicious drinks and tasty meals at the numerous bars and food stalls.
During The Ghent Festivities, Polé Polé will bring the best of pop, latin and world music in an extraordinary setting at the historic Graslei. For ten days, Polé Polé will bring colour to Ghent’s city centre and provide a southern and sultry atmosphere on and around a stage by the water. A programme packed with live bands and afterparties. Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!
Boomtown is a seven-day alternative music festival on the Kouter, in the Handelsbeurs and in the beautiful Opera, presenting a mix of mainstream and more alternative music. At the Boomtown festival, you will not only be introduced to the best alternative artists, you will also be able to have a drink or enjoy a snack at various stalls. Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!
A sparkling cultural popular festival with numerous performances of various national and international artists: a unique event in Europe, thanks to the varied and free offer of (music) performances, (street)theatre, exhibitions, animation for children, fairs, parades and so much more! The Ghent Festivities are among the biggest popular festivals in Europe and have been recognised as Flemish intangible heritage. You can attend concerts and performances all across town. You won’t go hungry or thirsty thanks to the many food and drink stalls. Over the course of ten days, thousands of people come to Ghent. Some of the crowd pullers include the Bal 1900 dance party, the International Puppet Buskers Festival, the International Street Theatre Festival, Baudelopark… Go to the website to view the full programme. [https://gentsefeesten.stad.gent/en] A lot of squares, streets and parks in the Ghent city centre host a variety of performances during the Ghent Festivities. Well-known national artists as well as simple street performers, everyone gets a chance to perform their act. These locations are the places to be if you want to breathe in the atmosphere of the Ghent Festivities.  You can only go up the tower of St Bavo’s Cathedral during the Ghent Festivities. Negotiate the stairs and enjoy the magnificent view of this unique party for the people in the heart of Ghent. At other times of the year, you can enjoy the most beautiful view of Ghent from directly beneath the golden dragon, Ghent’s mascot, on the Belfry tower  [https://visit.gent.be/en/see-do/ghent-belfry-world-heritage]opposite. From there you can continue exploring the heart of Ghent. Anything goes. Everything comes to an end, and then it’s clean-up time. After ten days of revelry, the municipal sanitation department pulls out all the stops to restore Ghent to its usual spic-and-span state. This takes approximately 3 days, so you should take this into account if you visit Ghent just after the Festivities week.  See all event locations in the Ghent Festivity Zone Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!
Zot van samenzang en flashmob? Tijdens Gentse Feesten herhalen we onze zalige formule: Zie Ze Zingen op het water! We varen door het historisch centrum van de stad en zingen kippenvel-songs van alle mogelijke genres. Het duo Geertrui Coppens en Jasper De Mulder maakt met hun energieke zangopzweperijen ieders kop zot. Zodanig dat mensen vanop kades en bruggen altijd meezingen met ons. Een unieke flashmob ervaring! Zangervaring niet vereist. Zangboekjes worden voorzien. maandag 22 juli 2024, van 13u tot 15u zaterdag 27 juli 2024, van 13u tot 15u Plaats van afspraak: Bootjes van Gent, Korenlei 4a, 9000 Gent 30 euro per persoon (excl. servicekosten), kansentarief voorzien. Met de steun van Stad Gent Bekijk hier een sfeerfilmpje van vorig jaar op de Gentse Feesten!
Daphné Swân présente un concert unique au Phare de Tourcoing. Venez découvrir son univers musical empreint de pop consciente et d'amour lucide, le tout porté par une énergie singulière et une plume éloquente. Un moment piano-voix intime où elle revisite son premier album 'Eecloo' et offre des reprises rares, pour une expérience musicale authentique et captivante.
Montez sur la scène du Bar Live et chantez sur une large sélection musicale ! Bar ouvert à 18h Karaoké à partir de 21h ENTRÉE GRATUITE (2€ d'adhésion annuelle - Lieu de cercle privé) Metro/Tram/Bus : EuroTéléport & Roubaix Grandplace Site web : https://association-live.fr