Deva Premal & Miten :: Singing Our Prayers 2024


Deva Premal & Miten :: Singing Our Prayers 2024

In such a war-torn world, can we stand together in a celebration of life, despite the tragedies that the human race has brought upon itself? Is there still a space where we can gather with kindred spirits for joyful expression? That’s exactly what you’ll find at Deva & Miten’s gatherings. Committed to the power of mantra, the ancient science of healing-with-sound, Deva & Miten travel the planet to bring light into a darkened world.

For thirty years, Deva and Miten have been with us, in our sacred moments, with their pristine expression of the gentle power of mantra, accompanying thousands in times of great elation as well as the depths of our deepest despair…like a gentle balm for the soul, their music gives us a reason to move forward into life, with an open heart and with a deep sense of hopefulness.

More than ever before, we need to come together to raise our voices – not in protest, but in collective and harmonious chant. Experience the power that sustains and empowers us to rise above the struggle.

Come and join the gatherings. Join Deva and Miten with their musicians – The Temple Band – in Kunstlinie Almere on September 30th and October 1st 2024.


Ticket sales starts December 16th, 10.00 CET through Kunstlinie Almere. Join the gathering and get your tickets here:

More (practical) information

You can find more (practical) information on our website:

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