Funny is Black & White - Comedy Show in English | Antwerp


Join Harshat and Fitz, two experienced comedians from Berlin with very different cultural backgrounds. One, a brooding bad boy having grown up in the hustle and bustle of India. The other, a confused small town country kid from New Zealand trying to adapt to the manic German way of life. Given these two vastly different backgrounds we have a mix of two competing comedic styles; dark, edgy and punchy versus warm, cute and absurd - you guess who is who. Both equally likable and hilarious. We aim to answer the age old question: is funny black and white? Or are there shades of grey?

The Comedians:

Fitz is a comedian who has performed across New Zealand and Australia to sell out audiences. He has brought his comedy to Europe having moved here in 2023. Fitz's comedic style has been described as warm, punchy and energetic. His shows are jam packed with absurd commentary on life in Europe and wild stories of growing up on a farm in New Zealand.

Harshat Grew up between the chaotic concrete jungles and the equally chaotic countryside of India. Currently, he is trying to forget the Bollywood remix tunes but still bring a Desi angle to his comedy in Berlin. He derives his wit from his satirical grandmother and his comedy is based on real life observations and childhood tales. His funny bone was developed as a coping mechanism for his chaotic upbringing and is now used to gain the attention he craves.

These two comedians couldn't be more different and have become friends in the most unlikely circumstances. With this show you are really getting it all, guaranteed laughs and very contrasting perspectives. Be ready to be left in stitches saying to yourself "funny really is black and white".

Doors at 19:00 || Show starts 19:30

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********** English ********** This itinerary is a unique guided walk to (re)discover the Art Nouveau façades and their creators. Townhouses, shops, public buildings, … There are so many sgraffito decorations to admire on our streets. But how is sgraffito made? Where does it come from? And who made those beautiful designs? Learn about the fascinating history of La Belle Epoque and its buildings together with a guide of the Cauchie House. In Antwerp, in the period between 1900 and World War I, hundreds of façades were decorated with sgraffitos. Dozens of architects - including Jules Hofman, Frans Bollekens, Michel De Braey, Jean-Laurent Hasse and Frans Van Dijk - collaborated with various designer-performers. During this walk, our guide will take you on an exciting tour of the Zurenborg neighborhood and in particular of the area around the Cogels-Osylei. Meeting point : at the corner of Guldenvliesstraat and Cogels-Osylei (Berchem). Duration of the visit : 2 hours. Time slots available : 10am : guided tour in Dutch 13pm : guided tour in French Guided tours for groups upon request : ********** Français ********** Chaque itinéraire vous convie à une promenade unique pour (re)découvrir les façades Art nouveau et leurs concepteurs. Maisons de maître, boutiques, édifices publics, … Nombreux sont les bâtiments décorés de sgraffites. Les connaissez-vous ? Comment ces décors sont-ils réalisés ? Qui les a dessinés ? Et d'où vient cette technique ? Accompagné.e.s d’un guide de la Maison Cauchie, parcourez la ville Belle Époque. À Anvers, entre 1900 et la Première Guerre mondiale, des centaines de façades ont été décorées de sgraffites. Des dizaines d'architectes, dont Jules Hofman, Frans Bollekens, Michel De Braey, Jean-Laurent Hasse et Frans Van Dijk, ont collaboré avec différents concepteurs. Au cours de cette promenade, nous nous concentrons sur le quartier de Zurenborg, plus précisément sur la zone autour du Cogels-Osylei. Départ de la visite : à l’angle de la Guldenvliesstraat et de la Cogels-Osylei (Berchem). Durée de la visite : 2 heures. Horaire : 10h : visite en néerlandais 13h : visite en français Visites guidées pour groupes sur demande : ********** Nederlands ********** Een ervaren gids neemt je mee op een unieke wandeling om de Art Nouveau gevels en hun ontwerpers te (her)ontdekken. Herenhuizen, winkels, openbare gebouwen, ... Er zijn heel wat gebouwen versierd met decoraties in sgraffito-techniek. Ken je ze? Hoe werden ze gemaakt? Wie waren de ontwerpers? En waar kwam deze techniek vandaan? Je komt het te weten tijdens een rondleiding die je terugbrengt naar de Belle Époque en die wordt geleid door een gids van het Cauchiehuis. In Antwerpen werden in de periode tussen 1900 en de Eerste Wereldoorlog honderden gevels versierd met sgraffito decoraties. Tientallen architecten, waaronder Jules Hofman, Frans Bollekens, Michel De Braey, Jean-Laurent Hasse en Frans Van Dijk werkten samen met diverse ontwerpers-uitvoerders. Tijdens deze wandeling concentreren we ons op de wijk Zurenborg, in het bijzonder de omgeving van de Cogels-Osylei. Je ontdekt de architecturale pareltjes van de Art nouveau en komt meer te weten over de bouwmeesters van die tijd. Duur van het bezoek : 2 uur. Vertrektijden: 10u : rondleiding in het Nederlands 13u : rondleiding in het Frans Rondleidingen voor groepen zijn ook mogelijk :
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