Voorgestelde evenementen

Place2B est le concept qu'il te faut si tu es un amoureux de son Underground et des tous derniers sons Rap US. Une soirée s'adressant à tous les amoureux Trap,Hip Hop, rap féminin et R&B du moment.
SHOW 08.30PM TO 10.30PM / 15€ PARTY 10.30PM TO 04.00AM /15€ SHOW + PARTY / 26€ Après deux longues années d'absence, Madame Moustache ré ouvre enfin ses portes et a l'immense honne
Romanian house is all about deep, hypnotic rhythms and stripped-back grooves that draw you into a world of minimal, immersive sound. Rhadoo, a key figure in Romanian house, has been shapin
This party has always been more than just a dancefloor—it’s a space where we embrace our identities, uplift our community, and connect through music, energy, and love. Get ready for a nigh
DJ Stingray 313 is a pioneering figure in electronic music, known for exploring themes of science, technology, and their effects on humanity. His career began in 1987 with the group Nasa, and later