Propulsé sur la scène à l'âge de 19 ans en remportant le premier prix du
concours national « Jugend musiziert », il a acquis cinq ans d'expérience de la
scène avec le groupe électro-rock « Kraan ».
Casimir Liberski ReTRio
20:00 - 23:00
Rue De Flandre - Vlaamsesteenweg 9, 1000 Brussel, Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, België
Born in 1988 in Brussels, Casimir Liberski is a pianist, composer and improviser who made his mark in NYC for about a decade after graduating from the Berklee College of Music. He decided to move back to Belgium in 2018. An insatiable jack-of-all-trades and bulimic heir to his "gods" Monk, Coltrane, Miles Davis, among the many deities of the colossal repertoire of baroque, classical, modern, jazz, and contemporary music, Casimir is also an obsessive tweaker of vintage analog synthesizers. "A lifetime will not be enough to quench my thirst for music," he says with a smile.