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Flanders Festival Ghent: Classical music for young and old
10september 2024
-25september 2024
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9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, België
Flanders Festival Ghent has been part of the music festival scene for many years. From classical to world music to artistic performances: every year some 1500 international artists outperform themselves in and around Ghent.
Every year, some 50,000 visitors enjoy a programme filled with classical music in its purest form as well as world music and jazz music. World-famous artists and up-and-coming talents take to the stage during 180 concerts to treat both avid music lovers and music explorers.
OdeGand will kick off this festival.
Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!