Showcase: Platform for artists


Zebrastraat offers up-and-coming artists a platform to introduce themselves to the general public. Visual artists present their work under the name Showcase#art, whereas musicians showcase their talent in Showcase#music.

With the initiative Showcase#art, Zebrastraat gives visual artists who are not bound to a gallery (yet) the chance to show their work to a wide audience. An experienced jury makes a selection from the portfolios several times a year. Every year, 10 artists are chosen. They showcase their work at the XYZ Lounge in Zebrastraat for one month. 

These artists will be featured:


Every Thursday evening you can enjoy a concert in the Zebra Café. These concerts, organised under the name Showcase#music, offer young and upcoming musical talent a platform.  The artists/bands are selected by a professional jury.  One of them will perform on the main stage of Zebrawoods.

These are the artists of WAVE1 2025:

09/01 Het nieuwe normaal
16/01 Ciggy Sunday
23/01 Tropen
30/01 Tristan Rio
13/02 BLAUW
27/02 Camilo Donoso
13/03 Martha Moore
20/03 Moenen & Mariken
27/03 Billie Congé
03/04 Bubba
10/04 Boy Minos
17/04 Dexelle
24/04 Blind Drift
08/05 Blair Jollands
15/05 Lefwerk
22/05 Jung Ang
29/05 Lukja


Basic price

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