Rebetiko against the Machine


-Guitar/Vocals : Ilias Konstantinidis
-Baglama/Bouzouki/Vocals : Argyris Papadimitriou
-Bouzouki/Vocals : Giannis Leloudas

With their united passion for Rebetiko and acoustic folk instruments these musicians infusing new paths with a rock sensibility in their original repertoire.

Their folk-traditional repetoire is rooted in the pivotal era of the 30s to 50s, a period marked by the hardships of two World Wars, profoundly impacting the working class.
The needs, perspectives, emotions, and beliefs of that time are reflected on the Rebetiko genre.

Today, they strive to uphold these intimate and historical elements of Rebetiko while infusing their own experiences and perspectives into their lyrics and Original compositions.

They’re also committed to preserving traditional Rebetiko songs, sharing them with audiences .
For the last three years they have been actively performing around the Netherlands have collaborated in concerts with local artists and artists from abroad. They have scheduled to release 3 singles of their original music within 2024.

Art Base, Friday 28/2/25 20h, 15E ( reduced 10E for students under 26 and jobseekers),
29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to



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