An Arabic Night with BASSEM YOUSSEF


Bassem's Arabic standup show is a unique and new experience showcasing a 90 minute show of ground breaking Arabic comedy. Standup comedy a relatively new art form for the Arabic culture. The showchallenges the audience with subversive narratives that uses very “strong” language that is not usually are not heard on Arabic live show. That is why there is a clear warning for Arabic audiences to attend “at their own risk”. Bassem connects with all Arabic audiences from all the Arab countries which is almost an impossible task knowing that Arab dialects extremely vary from one country to another with totally cultural references making each dialect almost have its own comedic language. Bassem takes the audience into a very personal journey for Hal life before the fame touching on hilarious nuances that connect different generations and cultures. A unique performance of Arabic comedy that has had massive success in the US, Canada, Europe and the Middle East

Tickets on salefrom Friday 22 November at 10:00

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