New American Voices


Cathédrale Saints-Michel-et-Gudule, Bruxelles
The New American Voices is an amazing new voice in the professional choral world. Created and conducted by Z. Randall Stroope, this chorus has recorded many works that can be found Spotify, YouTube and other social platforms. The Singers converge from a wide geographic area in the United States, to do recordings and touring. In the summer of 2022, the ensemble took a tour of Sweden, Estonia, and Finland and performed at many prestigious locations there. The New American Voices is pleased to be touring northern Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands in June 2024.

Z. Randall Stroope is an American composer and conductor. He has conducted concerts in 25 countries, is the Artistic Director of two international summer festivals, and has directed music for Vatican mass on ten different occasions. In the United States, Randall has conducted 40 performances at Carnegie Hall, and made several conducting appearances at various other prestigious performance halls. He is an honorary member of the Associazione Nazionale Direttori di Coro Italiani and has conducted the Festival Corale Internazionale di Roma every summer since 2009. Randall has also recently done lectures in music in Aosta and Assisi, Italy.

In composition, Randall’s teachers were Normand Lockwood and Cecil Effinger, both students of Nadia Boulanger, the famous French teacher (and student of Gabriel Fauré.) He has 200 published works for chorus, vocal solo, brass, orchestra and wind ensemble, and sold over four million copies.

Randall has a home and music studio near Santa Fe, New Mexico and Merritt Island, Florida.

Da Pacem Domine (excerpt) Arvo Pärt
Coelos Ascendit Hodie Charles Stanford
Iubilate Deo a 8 Giovanni Gabrieli
Jerusalem Trad. Irish chant
Regina Coeli Laetare a 8 T.L.da Victoria
Jauchzet dem Herrn J.S. Bach
Conversion of Saul Z. Randall Stroope
Prayer to a Guardian Angel P. Hawes
Sing My Child (excerpt) Sarah Quartel
Bring Us, O Lord God William Harris
Alleluia Elaine Hagenberg
Von 55 Engeln Behütet. Wolfgang Buchenberg
Ave Maris Stella Philip Stopford
Deliver Me, O Lord Tine Bec
Warum? Andrew Steffen
And the Swallow Carolyn Shaw
Marianne North Country Folksong
The Refugee Z. Randall Stroope
American Shaker Song trad. American
Lux Aeterna Edward Elgar

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Événements suggérés

One round Competition for:Piano, GuitarSinging: Classical and ContemporaryStrings: Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bassWoodwinds: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, BassoonBrass: Trumpet, French horn, Trombone, Tuba2 options for you to participate in the competition:ONLINE: July 5th, 2024ON PREMISES: July 6th, 2024 @ Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, Brussels. BelgiumONLINE participants will receive their diplomas and prizes online.ON PREMISE participants will receive their diplomas and prizes at the Gala concert of the winners that takes place on July 6th at 18:00.* Important: both options have to go through online pre-selections!Categories of participants:Category Debutant: 6 – 8 yoCategory A: 9 – 11 yoCategory B: 12 – 14 yoCategory C: 15 – 17 yoCategory D: 18 – 20 yoCategory E: 21 – 25 yoPRIZES: Grand Prizes + 1-2-3 prizes (diplomas) + Special prizes:Participation in festival “MUSICORUM” 2024&2025 in Brussels & in the concerts of ”CAMERATA BRIMA ”Participation in “La Chapelle Sauvage” & CAMERATA BRIMA 2024&2025 (as part of the orchestra or solo with orchestra)Participation in a set of concerts organised by Royal Library of Belgium 2024&2025Bon for participation in Summer MUSIC ACADEMY FORTE 2025 www.musicacademy.beParticipation at the GALA of the competition MUSIC ACADEMY FORTE (some 1st prize winners)Participation at private concerts in Brussels in 2024/2025Others special prizes from: “Maison Bernard” , “Point d’Orque” , “Azzato” , MUSIC ACADEMY FORTE …PROGRAMNo music of Russian composers can be performed during the competition.Program for pre-selection: free choiceProgram durationCategory Debutant: maximum 5 minCategory A: maximum 5-7 minCategory B: maximum 7-9 minCategory C: maximum 10 -12 minCategory D: maximum 13-15 minCategory E: maximum 15-17 min—————Program for the main competition (both for online and on premise options)Category Debutant: free choiceCategory A-E:Piano, Guitar: one virtuosic study/piece + work(s) of a free choiceViolin, Viola, Cello, Double bass: one virtuosic Study/Piece OR Caprice + work(s) of a free choiceFlute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon: one virtuosic piece + cantilena work(s) of a free choiceTrumpet, French horn, Trombone, Tuba: one virtuosic piece + cantilena work(s) of a free choiceSinging classic: folk song of the country of the participant & free choice of ancient aria or romanceSinging contemporary: one international song + one song of the country of the participantProgram durationCategory Debutant: program 5 – 7 minCategory A: program 5 – 10 minCategory B: program 10 – 12 minCategory C: program 15 – 17 minCategory D: program 20 – 22 minCategory E: program 25 – 27 minInscription details:
18:00 | Fouta Flow stelt een Afrikaanse rootsreggae voor met desert blues tinten. Met zijn stem die de ziel raakt, brengt Zakaria in zijn originele composities de 'Peace and Justice' boodschap. Zijn songs 'Talibe' of 'Mama' klagen het onrecht aan in zijn geboorteland Mauritanië. ---- Muzikanten: Zakaria Bocoum x gitaar, zang Papis Diop x drum Alpha Athie x gitaar Nicolas Sauvenier x bas ---- 20:00 | Éclats is een nieuw ensemble van wereldmuziek, geïnspireerd door de muziek van het Midden-Oosten (Iran) maar ook door het muzikale universum van elk lid van de groep. Je ontdekt nieuwe composities, maar ook enkele stukken uit het klassieke Arabische repertoire. ---- Muzikanten: Hussein Rassim x Oud Juliette Lacroix x Cello Saif AL Qaisi x Slagwerk Mostafa Taleb x Kamanja Milad Mohammadi x Tar
Swinging musical Show Paulus Schäfer: solo and rhythm guitarJoost Zoeteman: solo and rhythm guitarWim de Vries: drumsJasper Somsen: double bass A special musical encounter between two guitarists with different backgrounds and playing styles, but the same passion for the guitar. The result is a swinging musical show full of improvisation, fire and virtuosity where the guitar takes center stage. The Joost Zoeteman Paulus Schäfer quartet has a refreshing musical approach and breathes new life into existing styles. You can count on a program with gypsy swing, jazz, Latin and funk with a contemporary sound. Paulus Schäfer is one of the most talented and sought after gypsy swing jazz guitarists internationally. Guitarist Joost Zoeteman is known for his idiosyncratic guitar playing, a crossover of jazz, gypsy jazz and contemporary influences from all over the world. The rhythm section of the quartet consists of two internationally renowned jazz musicians, drummer Wim de Vries and bassist Jasper Somsen. VIDEO LINK : 20€ Members – No Members  22€
NL Accordeonist Tuur Florizoone geeft het eerste concert op Camping Josée! Een geliefde muzikant, zwierig in jazz, folk en klassiek. Met veel flair brengt hij deze concertavond tot leven. Niet te missen! FR L'accordéoniste Tuur Florizoone donnera le premier concert au Camping Josée ! Musicien très apprécié, il oscille entre le jazz, le folk et le classique. Avec brio, il animera cette soirée de concert. À ne pas manquer !
Los Amigos de Rey Cabrera Nelson Garzon, leadsinger & percussion menorHumberto Gonzalez, leadsinger & bassRubén Hernandez, leadsinger & trumpetJuan Carlos Rosquette, leadsinger & saxo.David Ramos, piano.Leonid Muñoz, congas.Gilberto Quevedo, congas Who better than Nelson Garzón (Santiago de Cuba) to honor Rey Cabrera. As a little boy, he saw Rey playing “tres” on the corner of “Calle 4, Sorribe” and the 2 Santiagueros found themselves in Brussels. With all the Musicians of “los AMIGOS” they brings the repertoire of Cabrera, an “auténtico” evening, a Cuban fireworks night.  TICKET: 22€ Members – No Members  25€
********** English ********** A surround concert as a soothing interlude, a mental refuel after a long workday, all set in an intimate ambiance - this is the promise of the Studio 1 Sessions. Step into an introspective and spiritual musical world, nestled in a cozy, intimate setting, and let yourself be enveloped by the melancholic film and stage music of Kancheli, the mystical echoes of Sisask, and the ethereal soundscapes of Clyne. Flagey, Vlaams Radiokoor € 18 > € 5 ********** Français ********** Un concert surround conçu comme un interlude de détente, une recharge mentale après une journée de travail chargée : c'est la promesse des Sessions Studio 1. Plongez dans un univers musical introspectif et spirituel, et laissez-vous envelopper par la musique de film mélancolique de Kancheli, les échos mystiques de Sisask et les paysages sonores éthérés de Clyne. Flagey, Vlaams Radiokoor € 18 > € 5 ********** Nederlands ********** Een surround-concert als een rustpauze, een mentale tankbeurt na een lange werkdag: dat is de belofte die de Studio 1 Sessions in zich dragen. Stap binnen in een introspectieve en spirituele muzikale wereld, en laat je omringen door de melancholische film- en toneelmuziek van Kancheli, de mystieke echo's van Sisask en de etherische klanklandschappen van Anna Clyne. Flagey, Vlaams Radiokoor € 18 > € 5
NL Een muzikale middag vol ritme en zang: Groupe Sultan neemt je mee op een reis door de Arabische wereld aan de hand van traditionele en bekende muziek! Abdelilah Sultan zal je verrassen met zijn warme stem en authentieke interpretaties doordrenkt van de rijke cultuur en poëtische schoonheid van de Arabische wereld, op de levendige ritmes van Ahmed Khaili's percussie, begeleid door Azize Ben Abdalah op piano en violist Mohamed Mokhlis, een dierbare buur van het St. Franciscuspark. FR Dimanche après-midi: préparez vous à chanter avec Groupe Sultan: ils feront un tour du monde arabe par la music tradionnel et très connu! Abdelilah Sultan surprend par sa voix chaleureuse et ses interprétations authentiques empreintes de la riche culture et de la beauté poétique des pays arabe, des rythmes entraînants par les percussions d'Ahmed Khaili, accompagné par Azize Ben Abdalah sur piano et le violiste Mohamed Mokhlis, cher voisin du parc St. François.
********** English ********** On July 7th at 4 PM, Melomania invites you to the Royal Conservatory of Brussels for an afternoon of music! Under the baton of the famous Guy Van Waas, the orchestra will perform Brahms' 3rd Symphony, Mendelssohn's Hebrides Overture, and Tchaikovsky's renowned Violin Concerto. For this last piece, we are delighted to welcome international violinist Samuel Nemtanu! We look forward to seeing you there! ********** Français ********** Ce 7 juillet à 16h, Melomania vous invite au Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles pour une après-midi musicale ! Sous la baguette du célèbre Guy Van Waas, l’orchestre vous interprétera la 3e Symphonie de Brahms, l’Ouverture des Hébrides de Felix Mendelssohn, ainsi que le fameux Concerto pour Violon de Tchaïkovsky. Pour ce dernier morceau, nous nous réjouissons de retrouver sur scène Samuel Nemtanu, violoniste renommé à la carrière internationale ! Au plaisir de vous y retrouver ! ********** Nederlands ********** Op 7 juli om 16.00 uur nodigt Melomania u uit in het Koninklijk Conservatorium van Brussel voor een muzikale namiddag! Onder leiding van topdirigent Guy Van Waas zal het orkest Brahms' 3e Symfonie, Mendelssohn's Hebriden Ouverture en Tsjaikovski's befaamde Vioolconcert uitvoeren. Voor dit laatste stuk zijn we verheugd om Samuel Nemtanu, internationaal beroemde solist, op het podium te verwelkomen! We kijken ernaar uit u daar te zien!