The Cake is a Lie at the IMPAKT


The Cake is a Lie is the main exhibition of the IMPAKT Festival 2024: DEAL WITH IT. From 30 October 2024 until 12 January 2025, the exhibition offers glimpses into the playful and original thinking that artists use – in sometimes annoying, confusing or confronting ways – to focus on the political, ecological and technological conditions that define our world. We selected the artists for this festival not just for their critique of Big Tech or hyper-capitalist appropriation and extraction, but first and foremost for their sense of engagement with the world around them, for their radical approaches, and for the ambiguity they allow themselves.

In The Cake is a Lie, artists respond to major issues, using their individuality and original voice to claim a free space for art in society. We are making a stand for artists who dare to manifest their social and political commitment in multi-layered or even civilly disobedient ways. The Cake is a Lie presents raw and uncensored perspectives on a world that is on fire.

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