Vincent Thekal


“A Swingin’ Affair” Quintet Vincent Thekal: sax tenorRémy Labbé: trumpetCasimir Liberski: pianoSal La Rocca: bassArmando Luongo: drums  A prolific musician, after two trio albums and a quartet album based on the music of Thelonious Monk, praised by critics and various collaborations, French saxophonist Vincent Thekal offers a return to his first loves with this quintet composed of the finest of the Belgian and European jazz for an evening under the sign of swing around a repertoire tailored for the occasion. A concert not to be missed! TICKET: 20€ Members – No Members  22€

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Cinema Paradiso fonctionne comme un trio sans leader et propose de la musique free jazz, spirituelle et contemporaine. C’est brut, dévotionnel, superposé et texturé, c’est chaleureux et d’une beaut