Taste of friendship


“One of the greatest joys in life is friendship; and one of the joys of friendship is having someone to whom you can entrust a secret.”

Is there anything stronger than love? Something calmer and less dangerous? A feeling that makes us feel safe? Far from tragedies, jealousy, destructive breakups, and something that comforts our lonely souls and hearts. Could it really be that… simple?

Taste of Friendship is the story of a man and a woman who build a strong friendship. It is also the story of two artists from different backgrounds who get to know each other in life, as well as through their shared creative work.

It’s about love and friendship in the sense of agapé according to the ancient Greeks—a love that offers comfort, purely out of kindness, free from Eros and desire.

Yet, it is not a smooth story. Paola and Luca will experience unique moments of pure happiness in life and on stage, but also moments of misunderstanding and miscommunication. There will be ups and downs, joy and melancholy. But probably no regrets in the end.

With: Luca Arrigoni and Paola Zampierolo
Direction and choreography: Luca Arrigoni


Normal : 26 euros
Under 21 : 18 euros
Over 65 : 22 euros

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