Outdoor Cinema: Arrival


Join the students of the TU Delft for the annual outdoor cinema on the green roof.

We will conclude our Language x Power programme and study year with a themed film screening of Arrival (2016), a sci-fi film that confronts problems of language and power for the stakes of the planet and universe.

The film and evening will have a critical introduction.


Linguist Louise Banks leads a team of investigators when gigantic spaceships touch down around the world. As nations teeter on the verge of global war, Banks and her crew must find a way to communicate with the extraterrestrial visitors.

Please note:

  • Library green roof is free and open to the TU community.
  • Seating is first come, first serve and ticket will be required.
  • Bring your own blanket and refreshments.
  • Rain date will be Friday, 31 May.
  • For disabilities accommodation, please contact: Events-library@tudelft.nl

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