Shanna Waterstown Blues Band


“Back Inside the Blues”   SHANNA WATERSTOWN – vocals (USA)MASSIMO CIRACI – guitarWALTER CERASANI – bassGIANPAOLO FEOLA – drums  Shanna Waterstown has become one of the most demanded names in vocal and feminine Blues in the business.Hitting Europe like a tidal wave. She has created an incredible energy and power in her live performances that are equal to none.Author, songwriter, composer and producer of her 3 albums, she is a solid, unique, and original act .Known for her warm, sensual, brassy , powerful interpretations she has built a reputation as a confirmed artist and blues woman.Promoting and performing her personal compositions has allowed her to rise above all the rest…With a guaranteed success as more and more of her shows prove “sold-out” or extended.Her amazing Blues band trio is the backbone of her live stage show and studio recordings.They play, they arrange, and deliver, all the colors of the amazing original songs Shanna has written.This Florida-born artist is real, is roots , is authentic and more than enough to bring you… the Blues. VIDEO LINK :  TICKET: 18€ Members – No Members 20€

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