17h30 Rassemblement devant la Bourse.
18h00 : traversée de la Bourse
18h30 : 1ère pause apéro Le Chapot
19h00 : la Grand Place
19h30 : les Galeries St Hubert
20h00 : pause au ca
TAITAMUKI Feat. Joël Rabesolo and Renato Martins
Latin American rhythms Sergio Carvajal Del Salto, guitar and requinto; Jose Buc Chavez, bassJoël Rabesolo, guitar; Renato Martins, latin percussions Taitamuki is a contraction of two Quechua words: taita, meaning father/ancestor/sage, and amuki, which signifies silence. The wisdom of silence, ancestral silence, and the silence of our ancestors serve as constant sources of inspiration and new discoveries… Our ancestors entrust us with a mission: not to reduce them to silence, especially at a time when traditional music struggles to be broadcasted and preserved. The transcriptions, arrangements and personal compositions resulting from our research into little-known Latin American rhythms serve as an act of resistance, seeking to refresh these rhythms while honoring musical heritage.Join us on this journey where each piece immerses you in a place, a culture and a tradition.May Ecuador’s san juanito, Uruguay’s candombe, Brazil’s maxixe, Argentina’s chacarera, Bolivia’s takirari and other musical surprises from the rich Latin American continent resonate deeply in your soul! VIDEO LINK : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mBkx-k97mPgWeYOeowV33ixaUhLfhj_XE&si=WNDRSsNPN6RGzx7b TICKET: 16€ Members – No Members 18€