Permission to Fail - English language comedy competition


A Comedy Compeition like no other!!

The 3rd Friday of the month @ 9pm 7 of Brussels finest comics bring 8 minutes of new material and COMPETE to be voted The Biggest Failure (we're still working on the winning titles! heehee) at the cosy Le Chapot, 1000, Brussels.

The "Winner" from each show gets a TROPHY! Oh yes! And goes forward to the FINAL in June where all the "winners" compete in one final show down to be voted "The Best of The Worst".

The sets have to be 100% New Material. Will you dare join us and cast your vote for the The Biggest Failure of January?? Only 30 places so make sure to book!

This is a hat show, we recommend a 10€ donation so that in June we can buy the biggest most insanely huge trophy for the Best of the Worst Prize, and get it engraved for the next season of Permission To Fail.

Suggested events

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Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, László Toth, un architecte juif né en Hongrie, survivant d'un camp de concentration, émigre aux Etats-Unis avec son épouse Erzsébet pour connaître son "rêve améric