A Night for Creatives in Film & Music


Bonjour, Paris! Models, actors, filmmakers, screenwriters, musicians, and everyone in between! Ermantourage is bringing Industry Night to Paris for the first time. Creatives in the city of lights, enjoy networking with fellow creatives as well as great food and drinks! All ages are welcome. The intention is for you to leave with at least 10 new friends and collaborators in Paris.

Register for the secret venue information.

Suggested events

Exploring The Subconscious to Find a Narrative A woman runs a hostel for travellers in the middle of nowhere, where she is visited every other day by her blind father who alternates h
Deux petites filles, Mei, 4 ans, et Satsuki, 10 ans,s’installent dans une grande maison à la campagne avecleur père pour se rapprocher de l’hôpital où séjourne leurmère. Elles découvrent la