Dinner with friends


25 Jan. – 2 Feb., Opening 25 Jan. 18:00.

F.12, Grand Hospice first floor, Rue du Grand Hospice 7, 1000 Brussels.

This first exhibition serves as the starting point for F.12, almost a celebration. Dinner with friends is a little party that becomes an exhibition, a housewarming for the art space where each artist brings their artworks, like people bringing a dish to an auberge espagnole.

Join us for the opening on 25 January at 18:00!

Artists: Andrea Gianella, Celia Rancelot, Chateau Resort, Edgar Farhay, Eloïse Lega, Sam Quadrado and Tiffany Ghysen.

Curator: Miranda Pastor.

More information: Instagram @espace_f.12

Date info

17:00:00 - 21:00:00



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