


30 years of Rock Metal protesting and fighting in music against racism, dictatorships, terrorism, social Blitzkrieg, useless wars, obscurantism, the enemies of the Republic and freedom of expression…
through 10 albums and hundreds of concerts and festivals in France and abroad, crossing swords on tour with Motorhead and Gun’s and Roses, and guesting with the Red Hot and AC/DC … this is the track record of a band that, for 30 years, has never ceased to sound the alarm with rage and sweat, while keeping their message unchanged.

If any rock band in France can boast of having always fought for freedom of expression since its beginnings, it’s No One Is Innocent…”. We’ll never forget that they were the rare musical supporters“ dixit Charlie hebdo ‘’La Peau”, “Nomenklatura”, Chile, “”, “La Peur”, “Charlie”, “Silencio”, “Djihad propaganda”, “À la gloire du marché”, “Dobermann”, “L’arrière boutique du mal”, “ils marchent”

Without violence, but in music with lyrics that are always noticed and that have made the group’s trademark, No one is innocent has adopted the proper use of anger. They’ve dealt blows, sometimes been intimidated, but they’ve always risen to the occasion.

1994-2024 is an opportunity to take stock of 30 years of Colères in this Best of, with a host of tracks that are still relevant today! It also includes 2 previously unreleased tracks of insolent reality, recorded in May 2024: “L’arrière boutique du mal” (about rumors that kill) and “Ils marchent” (about the political upheaval to come), and 3 tracks by the band revisited with young musicians influenced by oriental music.
“Colères” comes at a crucial moment in the band’s career, celebrating 30 years of rock metal combat.

At a time of trivialization, No One is innocent demonstrates in this Best of “Colères” that their conviction to denounce imposture in music was not a posture.
We look forward to seeing them again on March 20, 2025 at La Cigale in Paris, and for a series of concerts in France, Belgium and Switzerland … Because yes, Tranber, Kemar, Mathys, Fred and Marceau will soon be back to claim their titles and remind us that concerts remain their eternal terrain.
As anyone who has seen them live knows, the No Ones are still a live phenomenon, their stage reputation is well established, and every concert is played as if it were their last. ….

After 30 years of Anger using music, this phrase by Pablo Neruda, chanted in their song
“Chile” still sticks to them: ‘We’ll win, even if you don’t believe it’.

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