In het tentoonstelling Speelterrein, volg gratis onze gids, met acht kunstenaars
die spel in de breedste zin van het woord gebruiken als middel voor
uitwisseling, interactie, fantasie, verbeel

BANAD Festival - Former headquarters Electrorail
Arch. Antoine COURTENS, 1930 - 1931
Article 27
Info & Reservation
Suggested events
Wie was Joseph Poelaert (1817-1879), de architect van het Justitiepaleis? Waarom
was hij zo bezeten door zijn vak dat hij er overstuur van raakte? De ‘Schieven
architek’, zoals de Brusselaars hem n
La Loge is taking part in the 25th edition of Nocturnes organised by Brussels
Museums. To mark the occasion, a tour is given in sign language (LSFB French
Belgian Sign Language ) of Gülsün Karamust
This primary school was comissioned from Victor Horta by Brussels City Council
in 1895. The facade is decorated with bands of light and dark stone. Despite a
few hints of the Gothic style, it is un
In the upper reaches of the Mont-des-Arts, the Old England building is one of
the most remarkable examples of Brussels Art Nouveau. The fabric store of the
same name commissioned the building from
Arch. Marcel CHABOT, 1931 - 1932
********** Nederlands **********
Cinema Eldorado werd ingehuldigd in 1933. Het beleefde hoogdagen tot de jaren
60. In 1991 gingen de deure
The Gillion Crowet collection is an exceptional set of art nouveau masterpieces
brought together over the years by Baron and Baroness Gillion Crowet. During the
tour, we will look together at the h
Arch. Fernand & Marcel BRUNFAUT, 1931
This Art Deco masterpiece was built between 1922 and 1928, by Victor Horta, who
had to work within serious constraints. Laid out around the Henry Le Bœuf
Concert Hall, the Palace of Fine Arts cover
Located a stone's throw from the busting boulevards and the Rue Neuve in a quiet
side street, this hotel and bar has been recently restored. One of the bedrooms
has retained its original Art Deco w