Animopéra est un spectacle musical du projet « Premiers pas à l’Opéra », conçu
pour émerveiller les enfants et les initier, de manière jo
The Dark Age of Love
20:00 - 21:30
Rue de la Victoire 102, 1060 Saint-Gilles - Sint-Gillis, Brussels-Capital, Belgium
When humanity is on the edge of extinction, when staying alive is a luxury, when survival instinct controls every choice we make, loyalty is a word that loses its meaning.
In dystopian worlds, these are the stories of people who had to had to choose between staying alive and staying loyal.
These are the stories of people who betrayed the ones they loved and those who preferred to die before they abandoned loyalty.
So what would you do?
Tristan Barber, Maider Dechamps, Tom Harrington, Meyas Mansour, Alfie Laragione, Istvan Laurinyecz
Directed by: Billy Kissa
Artincelle, Rue de la Victoire, 158 1060 Saint-Gilles
The show is completely improvised.