YANN MARGUET"Exister, Définition."Quel est le sens de la vie? Qu’est-ce qu’on
fout là (bordel)?On le sait: on n’est pas grand chose. Il suffit de regarder le
ciel pour s’en rappeler. Il y a d’abord
1 Place Charles Dullin, 75018 Paris, France
Hot off the back of a sold-out Edinburgh Fringe run Tatty Macleod is bringing her certain je ne sais quoi to the stage with her debut hour of comedy: FUGUE. Building on her hugely popular English vs French online sketches she asks the important questions like; Is he a f*ckboi or is he just French? Do I have a drinking problem or am I just English? This is a stand-up show about belonging, finding your tribe, or not, and how to be ok with that.Attention : spectacle en anglais.Présenté par Agapè (L-D-22-006578/L-D-22-006585).
- Standard - 19 €à 32 €