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Eva Oertle
La flûtiste suisse Eva Oertle se produit dans toute l’Europe comme soliste et
chambriste. Elle joue avec des orchestres de renommée
Fuse presents: RAVE UFO night w/ Ellen Allien, Métaraph & Suze Ijó
→ Tickets - fuse.be/dec-09
→ At Fuse, we want an inclusive and respectful environment. Wanna be heard? Talk to a member of our Awareness Team inside the club or message us at letusknow@fuse.be.
→ A ticket does not guarantee your entrance, as security has the right not to let you in.
→ No camera flash - Respect the vibe
→ We prohibit all forms of violence, racism or sexism. If you feel or observe any such situation, please address it directly to our staff or security member.
→ Lockers cost €2. Bring a coin and skip the line.
→ Sell your ticket safely? Only via ticketswap.com