Ciné Utopia


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OPÉRA SUMMER ENCORES : LA CENERENTOLA L'été est enfin là et avec lui arrive notre cycle de rediffusions des opéras du Metropolitan Opera de New-York.  Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter notre programme "Summer Encores", qui vous permettra de de découvrir ou de redécouvrir les plus grands succès du répertoire. Au programme, nous avons sélectionné quatre opéras qui ont marqué les esprits : "La Bohème" de Puccini, "La Cenerentola" de Rossini, "Turandot" de Puccini et "Porgy and Bess" de The Gershwin. 

Evenementen in het verleden

OPÉRA SUMMER ENCORES : LA BOHÈME L'été est enfin là et avec lui arrive notre cycle de rediffusions des opéras du Metropolitan Opera de New-York.  Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter notre programme "Summer Encores", qui vous permettra de de découvrir ou de redécouvrir les plus grands succès du répertoire. Au programme, nous avons sélectionné quatre opéras qui ont marqué les esprits : "La Bohème" de Puccini, "La Cenerentola" de Rossini, "Turandot" de Puccini et "Porgy and Bess" de The Gershwin. 
DOVBUSH Le tournage du film sur le Robin des Bois ukrainien, Oleksa Dovbush, a commencé en 2018 et est sorti en 2023. Ce film historique ukrainien de niveau hollywoodien a remporté le Grand Prix du Festival international du film ukrainien au Royaume-Uni. Au début du XVIIIe siècle, la domination étrangère marque une période sombre pour les Hutsuls des Carpates. Les deux frères Dovbush deviennent des opryshkos, des hors-la-loi des montagnes. Cependant, les deux frères deviennent ennemis : l'un ne s'intéresse qu'à l'argent, tandis que l'autre, Oleksa, se bat pour son peuple. Les Carpates sont secouées par une vague de soulèvements. L'aristocratie utilise sa puissance militaire pour tenter de tuer Dovbush et de détruire sa légende. Mais Dovbush est plus fort qu'eux. Les seigneurs désespérés élaborent un plan diabolique et s'attaquent au talon d'Achille de l'invincible hors-la-loi : son amour pour Marichka, son amour de jeunesse. Qui sera l'assassin qui s'attaquera à l'opryshko, dont l'immense force et la bravoure ont inspiré les contes populaires ? Le plan perfide des seigneurs détruira-t-il le héros avant qu'il ne puisse mener son peuple à la liberté ? Le film est en ukrainien et sous-titré en français.
NT LIVE : ROMEO & JULIET Le Théâtre au Cinéma vous permet d’assister aux meilleures pièces de théâtre en profitant d’une qualité d’image et de son en haute définition. Le National Theatre de Londres, l’enfant spirituel de l’illustre Laurence Olivier rassemble encore aujourd’hui, au sein de la compagnie, les meilleurs acteurs britanniques du moment.
MET OPÉRA : MADAME BUTTERFLY Deux étoiles montantes se retrouvent pour incarner le drame de Puccini, admirablement mis en scène par Anthony Minghella : la lituanienne Asmik Grigorian fait ses débuts au Met dans la peau de l’innocente Butterfly, et Jonathan Tetelman dans le rôle du cynique Pinkerton.  Opéra en trois actes  Cocktail de bienvenue dès 18h00
ROH BALLET : SWAN LAKE Lors d'une partie de chasse, le prince Siegfried aperçoit par hasard un troupeau de cygnes. L'un d'entre eux se transforme en la belle Odette et il est immédiatement séduit. Mais Odette est liée par un sort qui la maintient captive en tant que cygne pendant la journée. Siegfried peut-il la libérer ? La partition sensationnelle de Tchaïkovski s'allie à l'imagination évocatrice du chorégraphe Liam Scarlett et du concepteur John Macfarlane pour exalter le pathos dramatique du ballet classique par excellence de Marius Petipa et Lev Ivanov. 
MET OPÉRA : LA RONDINE Parfois comparée à La Traviata pour son histoire d'amour douce-amère entre une courtisane et un jeune homme idéaliste de bonne famille, La Rondine n’en possède pas moins sa propre singularité, sublimée par la magnifique production d'inspiration Art déco de Nicolas Joël.  Opéra en trois actes  Cocktail de bienvenue dès 18h00
MURDERESS SYNOPSIS: Early 1900’s on a Greek island. Hadoula, who lost her husband at a young age, is a woman who has learned to survive in a male – dominated and extremely patriarchal society, the hard way. Hadoula carries a difficult burden within her. Like a baton passed on to her from her mother and the previous generations, she is supposed to accept the devaluation and lower fate of women. But Hadoula reacts. Her personal, internal, bubbling revolution is soon externalized. The victims of her outburst are the little girls of the island, whom she sets free from the social and economic burden that their existence entails… by taking their lives. Her actions will bring her face to face with the authorities. Forcing her to leave her home and escape to her refuge, nature. As much as her faith and morals dictate that she has done the right thing, her transgenerational trauma follows her everywhere. The end comes as a redemption.   The story is based on Alexandros Papadiamantis’ “social novel” of the same name, a landmark of Greek literature.
MURDERESS SYNOPSIS: Early 1900’s on a Greek island. Hadoula, who lost her husband at a young age, is a woman who has learned to survive in a male – dominated and extremely patriarchal society, the hard way. Hadoula carries a difficult burden within her. Like a baton passed on to her from her mother and the previous generations, she is supposed to accept the devaluation and lower fate of women. But Hadoula reacts. Her personal, internal, bubbling revolution is soon externalized. The victims of her outburst are the little girls of the island, whom she sets free from the social and economic burden that their existence entails… by taking their lives. Her actions will bring her face to face with the authorities. Forcing her to leave her home and escape to her refuge, nature. As much as her faith and morals dictate that she has done the right thing, her transgenerational trauma follows her everywhere. The end comes as a redemption.   The story is based on Alexandros Papadiamantis’ “social novel” of the same name, a landmark of Greek literature.
DIGNITY Summary Mr. Dimitris, an 80-year-old man, after his wife’s death, has left the village to live in the city with his son and daughter-in-law. On account of his birthday, however, his son calls the other family members to tell them that he is no longer able to take care of him. Another solution must be found, requiring that everyone should take their responsibility. Secrets and mistakes of the past will then come to the surface, something that upsets the family and leads to an inevitable dramatic finale. Director’s Note “Dignity” is taking place inside the four walls of a flat. The claustrophobic environment as well as the camera that moves constantly and close to the heroes increase the intensity of the moment and create asphyxiation. The one and only location captures our gaze without giving us the chance to take a breath due to the fast pace. What matters is not what is said, but what is artfully hidden. Many important phrases are heard off-camera, thus giving the sense of the unexpected and the incidental. The extremely low budget of 63K alloted to the making of this DIY film was no obstacle for the director’s vision to create his first full-length film. The use of one-takes, the absolute freedom of the frame throughout its duration, as well as the many methodical rehearsals/improvisations of the actors that took place on the set before the shooting days, are elements that contribute to the depiction of a realistic universe.             CAST   Vaggelio Andreadaki Thanassis Chalkias Ilektra Gennata Giorgos Geronimakis Giannis Kotsifas Marouska Panagiotopoulou Charis Tsitsakis Aggeliki Stefani   Written - Directed by Dimitris Katsimiris   Director of Photography - Editing - Color Vasilis Stavropoulos   Art Director - Costumes Anastasia Mastrakouli   Sound Recordist Konstantinos Papadopoulos   MUA - Hairstyling Savvina Skepetari Natassa Malli   Assistant Director Vassiliki Chryssikou   Script Sofia Totou   DOP Assistant Ariadni Christoforidou   Art Director Assistant Vasilis Fotou   Production Assisstant Fivos Chatziantoniou   BTS Dionisia Patiri   Music Their Methlab - Arctic Funk   Production Director Vasilis Stavropoulos   Executive Producer Anthi Stefani   Contributing to script writing Dimitris Sinopoulos   Translation Dina Koedrou   Subtitles Afterwords Translations   Executive Producers Petros Niamonitakis Panos Katsimperis   Producer Frau Films   Co-Producers ERT | Correct Creative Productions   In association with Greek Film Center
DIGNITY Summary Mr. Dimitris, an 80-year-old man, after his wife’s death, has left the village to live in the city with his son and daughter-in-law. On account of his birthday, however, his son calls the other family members to tell them that he is no longer able to take care of him. Another solution must be found, requiring that everyone should take their responsibility. Secrets and mistakes of the past will then come to the surface, something that upsets the family and leads to an inevitable dramatic finale. Director’s Note “Dignity” is taking place inside the four walls of a flat. The claustrophobic environment as well as the camera that moves constantly and close to the heroes increase the intensity of the moment and create asphyxiation. The one and only location captures our gaze without giving us the chance to take a breath due to the fast pace. What matters is not what is said, but what is artfully hidden. Many important phrases are heard off-camera, thus giving the sense of the unexpected and the incidental. The extremely low budget of 63K alloted to the making of this DIY film was no obstacle for the director’s vision to create his first full-length film. The use of one-takes, the absolute freedom of the frame throughout its duration, as well as the many methodical rehearsals/improvisations of the actors that took place on the set before the shooting days, are elements that contribute to the depiction of a realistic universe.             CAST   Vaggelio Andreadaki Thanassis Chalkias Ilektra Gennata Giorgos Geronimakis Giannis Kotsifas Marouska Panagiotopoulou Charis Tsitsakis Aggeliki Stefani   Written - Directed by Dimitris Katsimiris   Director of Photography - Editing - Color Vasilis Stavropoulos   Art Director - Costumes Anastasia Mastrakouli   Sound Recordist Konstantinos Papadopoulos   MUA - Hairstyling Savvina Skepetari Natassa Malli   Assistant Director Vassiliki Chryssikou   Script Sofia Totou   DOP Assistant Ariadni Christoforidou   Art Director Assistant Vasilis Fotou   Production Assisstant Fivos Chatziantoniou   BTS Dionisia Patiri   Music Their Methlab - Arctic Funk   Production Director Vasilis Stavropoulos   Executive Producer Anthi Stefani   Contributing to script writing Dimitris Sinopoulos   Translation Dina Koedrou   Subtitles Afterwords Translations   Executive Producers Petros Niamonitakis Panos Katsimperis   Producer Frau Films   Co-Producers ERT | Correct Creative Productions   In association with Greek Film Center