With his firmly rooted, vibrant dance that is grounded and explosive in equal
measure, the choreographer has often staged bodies in conflict, offering up a
battle in a world of hostile contours. In
22 Gevonden evenementen
It all started when the baroque music ensemble L’Arpegiatta commissioned the two
choreographers to devise a dance for a concert centred on Orfeo and Il
Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda. Their p
Bienvenue dans l'univers créatif ARTYFOLIE !
Nous proposons des ateliers créatifs ouverts à tous, que ce soit pour une
première expérience artistique
Vibrant, vivant, sensuel et puissant, Royaume est notre coup de cœur du festival
d’Avignon 2023… De la danse de toute beauté, on a envie de danser à côté d’elles
Une pièce chorégraphiqu
“We’re not here to hate the vessel we’re born into and that we use to navigate
this world. Life is too short for that.” Confronted with the imperatives
punctuating her own life and those of many ot
The disconnection of our links with others and with the living, the climate
disaster, a society fractured by discrimination... this is how the world
appears, constrained by its pernicious selfishne
The disconnection of our links with others and with the living, the climate
disaster, a society fractured by discrimination... this is how the world
appears, constrained by its pernicious selfishne
Complicity, fragility and tenacity: these are the ingredients in the new
cocktail concocted by Wooshing Machine. As an epilogue to the ‘Memory Trilogy’
that began in 2015 with their timeless Happy
For Charleroi danse’s associate artist, a powerful image and an ancient ritual
provided the starting point for bringing together the two creations presented
here in dialogue: Skid and Thr(o)ugh. On
Danseuse, chorégraphe, chercheuse, Olga de Soto pratique la danse autant qu'elle
en explore l'histoire. Elle met ici en scène un danseur et une plasticienne dans
une succession d'expériences physiq
For Charleroi danse’s associate artist, a powerful image and an ancient ritual
provided the starting point for bringing together the two creations presented
here in dialogue: Skid and Thr(o)ugh. On
15h et 20h
Ballet moderne
On vous l’avait promis : après l’immense succès de Casse-Noisette l’année
passée, le ballet junior Europa Danse Company revient cette fois-ci avec la magn
Depuis 2 ans, Charleroi danse accueille les soirées YES, WE DANCE aux Écuries.Ce
concept, initié par l’Asbl Orisha, propose à chacun·e de venir danser de manière
libre et décomplexée dans un e