Awful Movie Night: The Man Who Saved The World (1982)


The Man Who Saved the World (1982), often nicknamed "The Turkish Star Wars," is a Turkish sci-fi cult film directed by Çetin İnanç. It is famous (or infamous) for its low-budget production, outrageous plot, and unlicensed use of footage and music from major Hollywood films, most notably Star Wars: A New Hope.

The story follows two Turkish space pilots, Murat (played by Cüneyt Arkın) and Ali, who crash-land on a mysterious desert planet after a space battle against an evil sorcerer threatening humanity. The sorcerer seeks to destroy Earth using a powerful weapon but requires a human brain to complete it.

On the planet, Murat and Ali encounter strange creatures, such as skeleton warriors, mummies, and robots, in their journey to thwart the sorcerer's plans. They also meet a group of enslaved humans and a mysterious woman who assists them. Murat, realizing his destiny as humanity's savior, undergoes training that involves punching massive rocks and crafting his strength into a weapon.

Using a sacred relic (a magical sword and a golden brain), Murat confronts the sorcerer in a climactic battle, ultimately defeating him and destroying the weapon. Murat emerges as the titular "man who saved the world," while his companion Ali sacrifices himself heroically.

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