Good Egg Improv with Chelsea Gill


Good Egg Improv returns with another two act show of hilarious improvised comedy featuring a bunch of Good Eggs!

Good Egg Improv consists of some of Amsterdam's finest comedy improvisers, with Simon Lukacs (Boom Chicago, BBC Three, Zondag Met Lubach), Cene Hale (Boom Chicago, Huffington Post), Dave Christie-Miller (Britain's Best Nosh), Sinead Scanlan, Gijs Stuurman, Eniko Varga and Koen Zanen.

This month featuring the return of original Good Egg member CHELSEA GILL

Voorgestelde evenementen

Come join us for a night of laughter at our English comedy event! Whether you're a seasoned comedian or just looking to enjoy some hilarious acts, this is the place to be. The event will be
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