DGA Network Lunch


Every first Wednesday of the month, from 12:00 to 14:00, we host the DGA Network Lunch at Dotslash Utrecht!

Visitors to our event come to chat with the industry, look for a new job or internship, play fresh games, or walk around looking for inspiration for a new project.

The Network Lunch is a great place to build your network, ask for advice, or give advice to others who need your help. In order to keep our events safe for everyone, we ask all visitors to accept our Code of Conduct.

We begin the lunch with announcements of the latest industry developments and important events for the upcoming month. After the announcements, visitors can take the stage to promote themselves, their project, or their company.

At the Network Lunches, developers showcase exciting new games and playable concepts. Developers are often keen on feedback so they can improve their games.

Want to showcase your game or art? Please fill out the form here: https://forms.gle/MaiBzAfyAKxeTvNF8

Find all the info on our website: https://dutchgamesassociation.nl/dga-network-lunch/

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