Join the company classes of ICK and train together with the ICK ensemble (only
for professional dancers and dance students).
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Ballet Class for Professionals with ICK Company
10:00 - 11:15
Rijnlandlaan 57, 1062 MX Amsterdam, Nederland
Join the company classes of ICK and train together with the ICK ensemble (only for professional dancers and dance students).
I CK opens up their company classes for professional dancers and dance students. S tart your day with our ballet class and train together with the ICK ensemble.
B ecause of the changing schedules of the company classes (due to performances), we publish the professional classes one or two weeks in advance. Keep track of the schedule through our agenda or this page.
M ake sure to book your spot in advance, since we don't sell at the door. Also please be on time, late entry is not possible.
Y ou will find the entrance of ICK Space for Dance art on Rijnlandlaan 3 (right across of Delflandlaan 1).
F or questions: contact
photo © Alex Avgud