Queer mummy bondage vampire slut halloween night 30+


Queer mummy bondage vampire slut halloween night 30+

Hags, vampires, w'rewolves, mummies, pumpkins, skeletons, demons, dragons, wizards, carrions, spirits, and oth'r monst'rs

thou art did convey to a night of h'rr'r in the rainbow dungeon on octob'r 31st

we shall gath'r from 9pm to 1am

the phantoms of the op'retta shall initiateth the night in ch'rus.

aft'r yond, we shall savour the hags brew, conv'rse and danceth to the bea(s)ts of dj franca steen

f'r a special night, expresseth thy scariest self and cometh disguis'd

bloody drinks shall beest off'red, soft and punchy. ent'r the reigneth of feareth f'r free

but careful, if 't be true thee wisheth to leaveth again, doth not f'rget to donate to the pumpkin boxeth

we wanteth ev'ryone to feeleth safe and joyous: boundaries and consent art foundational

doth not imm'rtalise fellow beings without p'rmission



Festivity host'd and did approve by leqgf, rosa lëtzebu'rg, rainbow cent'r and oth'r wayward souls and denizens of the night

Voorgestelde evenementen

Let's mix it up! Let's mix it up! Soirée cubaine entre 20:00 et 23:00 organisée par les Commissions du vivre-ensemble interculturel et de l'égalité des chances de la Ville de Diekirch et par la mai