Butoh Festival Amsterdam


Butoh international Festival. Munganga Theatre. Amsterdam 6-7 October


15 performers
12 performances with dancers from: Austria, Catalunya, Chile, France, Italy, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Spain, U.K. and U.S.A. in two days.

Coco Villarreal . Mexico | Elizabeth Damour . France | El Pepe Bolívar . Venezuela | Ezio Tangini . Italy | Iko Lee . Chile | Iurancha . Spain | Josephine Grundy . U.K. | Julie Becton Gillum . U.S.A. | Jutta Mayer . Austria | Lex Hijmans . The Netherlands | Michela Montrasio . Italy | Mon Costa Justes . Catalunya | Rocìo Wabizasu . Spain | Tina Besnard . France | Uiko Watanabe . Japan

Friday 6th
Rocìo Wabizasui & Iurancha Criaturas
Jutta Mayer A reflection of light in the mist
Lex Hijmans Ending the beginning
p a u s e
Ezio Tangini Sonatine
Elizabeth Damour Dizziness & beyond
Uiko Watanabe Hikidashi (Drawer)

Saturday 7th
Julie Becton Gillum / Coco Villarreal Ix's Journey
Michela Montrasio Gestation
Mon Costa Justes Chicken Pie
p a u s e
Tina Besnard Broken jewels
Iko Lee . Animal Revolution
Josephine Grundy and El Pepe Bolívar Icon in Construction

Lighting designer: Nelson Salinas Izquierdo

dates, time, ticket prices
Fri 6th October 8:30pm € 30
Sat 7th October 8:30pm € 30
both days € 55
Concession € 25 and € 45 for both days (only for certified students and unemployed)

Info and booking: info@munganga.nl
telephone: 020 6759837

For further information contact Ezio Tangini e_mail eziotangini@gmail.com
The Butoh festival Amsterdam taking place at Munganga Theatre
Schinkelhavenstraat 27 hs2 1075 Amsterdam

Press contact: Ezio Tangini tel.+39 3385004680
email: eziotangini@gmail.com

Butoh Festival Amsterdam 6th- 7th October 2023 –edition VII–
The festival will be produced without any public or private grant.

turn on the Scene! www.inbetweenbutoh.com


€ 30 € 25 concession

2 foto’s

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