
Bon Enfant

Bon Enfant is a quintet as plural as its members and musical horizons, for whom rock is a passion as much as a way of life – a fiery engine that propels them forward. Formed at the end of the previous decade by Daphné Brissette and Guillaume Chiasson to break new ground outside their previous practices, the group was soon joined by Etienne Côté (LUMIÈRE), Melissa Fortin and Alex Burger – and soon delivered a homonymous debut album, celebrated as the best Franco of 2019 by Le Devoir journal and awarded the Lucien for Rock Album of the following year at GAMIQ.

From the outset, the band’s groovy pop sound borrowed notably from folk-rock and psych, and two years later they came back with Diorama, an even broader palette, incorporating aspects of image music, disco, hard rock and glam rock – a convincing combination that earned them the Félix for Rock Album of the Year at the 2022 ADISQ gala.

It wasn’t long before the band was touring Quebec, Europe and the U.K. – the beginning of a global craze that discredited the territorial issue of language in favor of good tunes. Shaping a permeable, open-minded rock that always avoids pastiche, the band persists in adapting popular resonances while making new musical niches their own.

With its cherished themes of self-affirmation, love of music and just plain love, and stamped with Bon Enfant’s trademark brightly colored sounds, Demande spéciale is a feel-good, full-length album that’s a pleasure to listen to – and will be released this fall by Duprince Records, ahead of tours everywhere, all the time.

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