SHOW - Winter Prov-a-Palooza + More Basics Grad

Sajetplein 9, 1091 DB Amsterdam, Nederland


20h  More Basics Graduation

Students who have taken their second step in their improv journey stake the stage to show off their skills! Come see them take on all the fun and funny games to showcase their growing talent.

21h  Winter Prov-a-Palooza

It's holiday time! The whole easylaughs cast is getting together for a packed show of silliness to warm the community and bring out the festive spirit!

Spaces are limited.  Booking online is required.

Tickets are non-refundable. Please contact in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Donate to easylaughs and help us help people discover improv! 100% of your donation will go the easylaughs Scholarship program. To find out more, click HERE.

easylaughs comedy improv shows in English language and in Amsterdam

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