To your health!: The quest for a long, healthy and happy life


Since time immemorial, mankind has been looking for eternal life. This exhibition in the House of Alijn takes you on a journey of discovery through the aids we used in the 20th and 21st centuries in the hope of achieving a long, healthy and happy life.

Every day, we come across all kinds of advice to take better care of ourselves, both physically and mentally. Throughout the ages, the ideas about this topic have changed, and science, the government, the media and advertising have come to play a bigger role. This exhibition will tell you all about it. Families with children aged 5 to 12 can go on a special family tour of the exhibition.

Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!


Accessible with a CityCard Gent
Reduced rate for escorts accompanying persons with disabilities
Reduction -19 years
Reduction -26 years
Basic price

8 foto’s


Voorgestelde evenementen

The procession of Emperor Charles and the noose bearers commemorates the public humiliation of the Ghent notable citizens by Emperor Charles V in May 1540. In Medieval times, Ghent was a prosperous city thanks to the cloth industry and trade. That changed in the 16th century, when the city was hit by an economic recession. During the Ghent revolt, the citizens of Ghent committed lèse-majesté and refused to pay taxes imposed by the emperor. Emperor Charles personally came to Ghent to resolve the matter. 25 participants in the revolt were sentenced to death. The emperor was not satisfied with the defence put forward by the city’s leaders and accused the city of disloyalty, sedition, mutiny and disobedience. The city lost all its privileges and freedoms.  On 3 May 1540, the Ghent citizens were subjected to total humiliation. They were marched through the streets from the town hall to Prinsenhof, the emperor’s palace. The procession consisted of the aldermen, clerks and all civil servants, 30 notable citizens and the deans of guilds, barefoot and dressed in black robes. They were followed by 318 members of smaller craftsmen guilds and 50 weavers. The procession was closed by 50 ‘creesers’ (screechers), dressed in white robes and carrying a hangman’s noose around their necks, as a sign that they deserved to hang. Once they had arrived at Prinsenhof, they had to beg the emperor for mercy.  Ever since, the citizens of Ghent have been nicknamed “stroppendragers” or “noose bearers”, as a symbol of resistance against tyranny and misplaced authority. During the annual procession, the emperor is booed and the noose bearers are applauded.  The Castle of the Counts – Sint-Veerleplein – Kraanlei – Zuivelbrug – Grootkanonplein – Vrijdagmarkt – Kammerstraat – Belfortstraat – Botermarkt – Emile Braunplein – Klein Turkije – Korenmarkt – Groentenmarkt – Vleeshuishuisbrug – Sint-Veerleplein – The Castle of the Counts Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!
This exhibition examines the similarities and differences between the purchasing policy of Jan Hoet, the founder of S.M.A.K. (Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art), and that of the art collecting couple Roger and Hilda Matthys-Colle. Dr. Roger Matthys stood at the cradle of the Association for the Museum of Contemporary Art (V.M.H.K.), which had the ambition to open its own museum and also purchased art. As president of the association, Matthys had a lot of influence on the purchasing policy of the V.M.H.K. His private collection included quite some works that were exhibited in or purchased by the museum. Both collections are closely intertwined and complement each other. The Matthys-Colle Collection spans fifty years. In an early stage Roger Matthys purchased works of art for his private collection as well as for the collection of the V.M.H.K. In his purchases he did not focus on one specific movement, but rather created a collection that is representative of all art movements from the second half of the twentieth century.  In 2020, the S.M.A.K. received 39 works on long-term loan, which now constitute the basis for this exhibition. Both collections include or at one time included work by every single artist represented in the exhibition.  The archive exhibition on the upper floor delves deeper into the Matthys-Colle Collection and the figure of Jan Hoet, while in the room of the association of the Friends of S.M.A.K. you will discover a selection of works by artists represented in the Matthys-Colle Collection and exhibited by the V.M.H.K.
In visual arts, collaboration is often secondary to the romanticised idea of individual artistic genius. Challenging the myth of the solitary artist, this exhibition explores the unique dynamic of collective creativity and looks at how it influences artistic production. In addition to works from the S.M.A.K. collection, created between 1959 and 2021 by art collectives, artist duos or one–off collaborations, this exhibition also displays works deliberately designed to facilitate other works of art.  Includes works by: Philip Metten, Art & Language, Denicolai & Provoost, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Jos De Gruyter & Harald Thys, Flexboj & L.A., Narcisse Tordoir & David Neirings, General Idea, Gilbert & George, HAP, David Hammons & Bruna Esposito, Franz West, Heimo Zobernig, Danh Vo, Apparatus 22, Ex-artists' collective (Anikó Loránt, Kaszás Tamás), Audrey Cottin, Alexis Gautier, Anna & Bernard Blume, Brosi & Bonier, Engelbert Van Anderlecht & Jean Dypréau, SUPERFLEX, Marina Abràmovic & Jan Hoet, Guillaume Bijl, Allora & Calzadilla, Jacques Charlier, Korakrit Arunanondchai, Mekhitar Garabedian, Ingrid Mwangi and Robert Hutter.
Since 1874, numerous trams have taken passengers from point A to point B in the city. The first trams were horse drawn and transported passengers between the railway stations Gent-Zuid and Dampoort. Obviously, a lot has changed since then. This exhibition immerses you in the history of the tram in Ghent. Passengers and tram lines, stops, depots and tram carriages have undergone a true metamorphosis over the past 150 years. Battery-operated trams, three-axle trams and PCC trams have now become real museum pieces and the population has evolved as well. In this exhibition, you'll learn all there is to know about the Ghent tram carriages, the onboard staff as well as the (historical) tram lines and take a look behind the scenes of the tram world. This exhibition is an initiative by Meta vzw and part of an event of the same name. Over the weekend of 18 May, the historical centre will feature trams from the past and present. During a tram parade, you will be able to go for a ride on unique trams and get a taste of 150 years of tram history. Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!
If you think you have to descend to Paris for an idyllic art market, you are wrong. Countless creative Ghent residents exhibit their works along the banks of Portus Ganda every year. You can enjoy a rich array of glass art, ceramics, pen drawings, jewellery, sculptures and creations from many other disciplines. Aiming for a work of art as a souvenir or just strolling along all this beauty? The choice is yours. Discover the arty side of Ghent and be surprised by the lively atmosphere and beautiful surroundings of the Portus Ganda [] marina.
At STAMplein square, a separate part of the museum with changing programmes, you can visit the heritage project “The square kilometre”. Here you can learn all about the Dampoort neighbourhood. Historian in residence Tina de Gendt and researcher Thirza Vandenabeele delve deep into the history of the area around the Gent-Dampoort railway station. Contrary to Ledeberg, Rabot and Brugse Poort, which were the central topic of the project “The square kilometre”, the Dampoort area is not what you could call a “neighbourhood”. It is composed of parts of the districts Ham, Macharius, Dendermondsesteenweg and Antwerpsesteenweg. Prefer not to wait in line at the ticket booth? Want to be sure you can discover the STAM when you want to? Then book your tickets online in advance and enjoy your visit to the fullest. Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!
La bibliothèque Jean de La Fontaine, la ludothèque Pirouette, l’Office de Tourisme, l’Espace gallo-romain, la Maison des Géants, le Musée de la Pierre et la Maison Culturelle d’Ath...mais aussi les comités de villages, musiciens, comédiens, artistes divers et passionnés! Retrouvez-les tout l’été pour des activités en famille, entre amis, entre voisins, au plus près de chez vous. Parcours d’énigmes, Fête de la musique, Moments partagés, Rendez-vous des Musées, Art & Végétal, Échappées villageoises...Une offre variée, de nombreux rendez-vous à ne surtout pas manquer !
********** English ********** Join us on Saturday 20 July to celebrate our beautiful country. Ginette loves finding beautiful places to welcome the thousands of zievereers and make the biggest boom in the Kingdom of Belgium! This 20 July, she's back at the Gare Maritime, that place you all love. So put on your crolles and come and dance the night away in this legendary venue. ********** Français ********** Rendez-vous ce samedi 20 juillet pour fêter notre beau pays. Ginette, elle adore trouver des magnifiques endroits pour accueillir les milliers de zievereers et faire la plus grosse boom du Royaume de Belgique ! Ce 20 juillet, elle revient à la Gare Maritime, cet endroit que vous adorez tous. Alleï, coiffe tes crolles et viens danser dans ce lieu mythique. ********** Nederlands ********** Kom op zaterdag 20 juli ons mooie land vieren. Ginette houdt ervan om mooie plekken te vinden om de duizenden zievereers te verwelkomen en de grootste boem in het Koninkrijk België te maken! Deze 20 juli is ze terug in het Gare Maritime, die plek waar jullie allemaal van houden. Dus trek je crolles aan en kom dansen in deze legendarische zaal.
🕐 L’Odyssée de Choum - 17.07 - 10:30 - st NL Dans la lignée de notre festival annuel l’Heure d’été, nous présentons cette année une édition en plein-air et totalement gratuite autour des thèmes de l'eau, l'écologie et le vivre ensemble en partenariat avec Cultureghem. Cultureghem œuvre avec le marché des abattoirs, d'une superficie de 40 000 m2, pour créer un lien social, culturel et artistique profond avec les populations locales. Synopsis: Choum, la petite chouette vient juste d’éclore lorsque la tempête la pousse hors du nid. Faisant rouler le second oeuf de la nichée, la voilà qui s’élance contre vents et marées, bien décidée à trouver une maman...
🕐 Ponyo sur la Falaise - 17.07 - 14:00 - VF st NL Dans la lignée de notre festival annuel l’Heure d’été, nous présentons cette année une édition en plein-air et totalement gratuite autour des thèmes de l'eau, l'écologie et le vivre ensemble en partenariat avec Cultureghem. Cultureghem œuvre avec le marché des abattoirs, d'une superficie de 40 000 m2, pour créer un lien social, culturel et artistique profond avec les populations locales. Synopsis: Le jeune Sosuke vit sur une falaise au bord de la mer. Un beau matin, alors qu'il joue sur la plage qui se trouve au pied de la falaise, il découvre un poisson rouge nommé Ponyo, la tête coincée dans un pot de confiture. Sosuke le sauve et le garde dans un seau en plastique. Sosuke et Ponyo sont fascinés l'un par l'autre. Mais Fujimoto, le père de Ponyo, le force à retourner dans les profondeurs de l'océan. Ponyo rêve de devenir un être humain et, avec l'aide de ses sœurs, il décide de s'échapper des eaux de l'océan pour rejoindre Sosuke.