
Africa Fashion Week Amsterdam is celebrating a decade of fashion evolution; delving into the fascinating history of fashion through the decades and explore the history from the 1900s until the present day.

This will involve bringing together a field of thirty (30) stylists/designers and creators from various backgrounds, the objective being to highlight the talent and visibility of industry key players whilst changing the global consciousness and perception of African culture by promoting its range of prosperous countries as desired destinations welcoming Travel and Tourism, Fashion, Arts, Music, Dance, Culinary, Entertainment and Foreign Exchange to increase economic enrichment.

Good News!

You can now book your accomodation with our hotel partners; Chassé Hotel, using the discount code : #Africanfashionweek

Voorgestelde evenementen

Painting Class Join us for a fun and creative Painting Class at Kinkerstraat 2! Unleash your inner artist and learn new techniques w
“Les envieux mourront, mais non jamais l’envie” disait Molière. L’envie, c’est ce qui ronge Mathilde qui veut devenir riche et être une grande dame du Tout-Paris. Invitée à un bal au