Bruocsella Symphony Orchestra asbl/vzw - Children's Concert


The Duckling, the Prince and the Swan
Once upon a time, in a magical land, lived the enchanting princess Odette, adored by all, and especially by the brave hunter Prince Siegfried. The evil sorcerer Rothbart grew jealous of their love and transformed Odette into a swan, banishing her to the mysterious swan lake. Only a vow of true love could break the spell that bound her.

Sometime later, far, far away from the enchanted forest, Mother Duck sat patiently on her nest guarding seven precious eggs. Long after the first six eggs had hatched, out popped the head of a very ugly duckling!

But what a twist of fate! During a hunt by the river, the ugly duckling bumps into Prince Siegfried and a beautiful friendship unveils.

Will Odette and Siegfried be reunited? And will our ugly little duckling find his confidence? The Bruocsella Symphony Orchestra invites you to step into a world where Music meets Magic, joined by its dancers, singers and a collaboration with the Academie van Sint Pieters Woluwe. Our fairytale awaits you!

Ticket prices:
Stalls – Adults: € 22,-
Stalls – Children under 18y: € 15,-
Balcony – Adults: € 16,-
Balcony – Children under 18y : € 9,-
Wheelchair : € 16,- (please contact us at

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