


In the lineage of their constant exploration of high-quality progressive stoner rock, MY DILIGENCE proudly stands as one of Belgium’s most prominent Heavy Psych bands. The Brussels-based trio elegantly combines catchy harmonies and compelling riffs, captivating listeners over the years.

Following the success of “The Matter, Form and Power,” MY DILIGENCE makes a powerful return with their 4th album, “DEATH.HORSES.BLACK.” on Listenable Records. After an acclaimed European tour, including memorable performances at Hellfest 2023, Alcatraz Metal Festival (2022 and 2023), and DesertFest Antwerp in 2022, the band immersed themselves in the Sainte-Marthe studio in Paris throughout the winter, collaborating with renowned producer Francis Caste (Hangman’s Chair, Regarde les Hommes Tomber…).

Exploring darker themes, this album marks a turning point in the band’s history. The long and profound compositions guide the listener through unexpected territories, creating an auditory experience akin to a lucid dream or trance, oscillating between hope and ultimate darkness.

Get ready to dive into this captivating universe as MY DILIGENCE embarks on a tour starting late May, joining the scottish band DVNE for dates in France and Switzerland, culminating on June 11 at the Orangerie du Botanique in Belgium. The band will enthusiastically continue with summer festivals, including Mystic Festival (PL) and Motocultor (FR). Stay tuned, as MY DILIGENCE promises an unforgettable musical experience at every stage of their journey.

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