Presentatie festival


The main program of this evening promises to be spectacular, featuring four impressive shows performed by two SM&O classes and two ISMB classes. Guided by dance and gymnastics instructors, these classes will prepare in the second term to deliver an unforgettable performance.

Each show has a unique theme chosen by the classes themselves, with all eyes in the audience focused on one class that captivates everyone from the very first moment. These students take the stage with pure energy, motivation, and creativity.

To make the evening even more magical, we have planned spectacular surprise acts that will set the tone for the event. Upon arrival, guests will be treated to a stunning spectacle that immediately immerses them in the atmosphere of the event.

Voorgestelde evenementen

Pianist Mattias Spee presenteert in De Duif het derde album uit zijn Eclipse-serie, gewijd aan de muziek en het tragische levensverhaal van de door het Sovjet-regime geboycotte componist Se