Spaceheater - Oost Rules! Rehearsal Space Warming


Spaceheater - The Oost Rules! Rehearsal Space Warming

Come join us at Kraft und Licht's Krafthaus for an epic evening of music, fun, and good times! Let's warm up our new rehearsal space, available to musicians in Oost at low cost. Check out the new space, enjoy some nice tunes from Zamboni Sound System, some delicious food and whatever booze you choose to bring with you. Feel free to try out the space with a little jam session or help us with some decoration. RSVP required. Donations very appreciated and go towards maintaining this awesome new space and providing Oost musicians with a great place to rehearse.

Look for the Oost Rules! sign, Google tries to send you to the wrong building. This link shows you the correct entrance:

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