
Tickets disponibles le 18 octobre à 10h

J. Bernardt

J. Bernardt a.k.a. Jinte Deprez is something of a generalist; singer, songwriter, instrumentalist, arranger, producer, engineer, programmer. Whilst debut album Running Days is a melange of sound moulded by electronics, the new album Contigo is old-school band-based – namely a group of Deprez’s “super-talented,” friends that he guided through intense rehearsals and performances, “searching for that spark,”

Contigo – Spanish for “with you” – is a dramatic, compelling and colourful body of work, infused with drama and brought to life by sumptuous melody, vocals and production flourishes from a master studio auteur as well as musical inventor and singer. Contigo explores all the phases of a break-up: shock, sadness, anger, denial, hurt, acceptance… and nails ‘viciously romantic’ in the process.

Deprez is best known as one half of the singer-songwriter duo of Balthazar, one of Belgium’s most beloved and respected alt.rock bands for over two decades.

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