30 years Bijlmer plane crash - Rememberance in generations


In this second edition of Collecting the City in the Amsterdam Museum, one of the themes is the plane crash that took place in the Bijlmer. On October 4, 2022, it will be exactly thirty years ago that a Boeing 747 of the airline company El Al crashed into the Groeneveen and Klein-Kruitberg flats in the Bijlmermeer in Amsterdam. A major event that many people still carry with them today. The exhibition reflects the feeling that Amsterdammers have about the disaster. How do they commemorate? And how do different generations process this trauma?

Shock, sadness and disbelief

The exhibition sketches an idea of the disbelief, shock and sadness that many residents of the Bijlmer had to deal with. This is done through headlines from newspapers published on October 5 - "Fire, Death, Chaos" and "Suddenly He Went On Its Side And Straight Down" - and through canvas-transcribed conversations that night's 911 dispatchers had. . Drawings by primary school students from that time are also on display. The drawings provide insight into how children experienced this event. Three teachers who at the time wanted children to process their trauma through drawing are now looking back.

In addition to two fragments of the cargo plane that were found and preserved by private persons, there are also works of art about the Bijlmer air disaster.

Info & Reservering

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