Concert Zakoustics


Gérard Spencer & Joachim Lacrosse embarquent les tout-petits, leurs parents et les femmes enceintes dans un voyage magique aux mélodies enchanteresses et hypnotiques, combinant musique du monde, transe acoustique et musique zen.

Information sur la date

2024-11-24: 10:00:00 - 10:45:00

2024-11-24: 11:30:00 - 12:15:00



Événements suggérés

The Rebetikon band was formed in Cologne, Germany in 2016. The basic members ( and instruments) are: Fevronia ( voice, baglamas), Epaminondas Ladas ( bouzouki, voice),
The Rebetikon band was formed in Cologne, Germany in 2016. The basic members ( and instruments) are: Fevronia ( voice, baglamas), Epaminondas Ladas ( bouzouki, voice),
JiangTing was born in Inner Mongolia. She began learning the pípa (a traditional Chinese lute) at the age of 4. She graduated at the top of her class and earned a master’s degree from the Central C