Try out - Roz Wythes


Will be rescheduled to 15/4/2022Join us 15/4/22 to experience the digital play and research result for A Reflection on Canon | Digital. Dancer & choreographer Rosslyn with work with music & computer coding collaborator James Hogan. Together we will extend my research on canon in dance. Working with computer software Macs Live & Open Pose we will explore how live video and recorded video extends the possibilities of dance and music canons. Open Pose is a computer software that recognises a body in realtime and can be used to create digital animation (in realtime). It reads points of the body and with this information you can manipulation sound, animation & textures.My research with canon is exploring its potential as a choreographic tool, inspired by the rich possibilities of how it is used in music.We hope to share this work with you as an audience and then afterwards you may be able to play & interact with it yourself!




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