Lieu culturel

Événements à venir

“It's been 28 years since I moved away from my native land. 28 years that I live in new lands. 28 years that I root myself elsewhere. First, London, then Paris and today Marseille. 28 years that I
********** English ********** It is in the third century BC that the Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca embarked on a mind-boggling journey: marching with 70,000 soldiers and 40

Événements passés

Horizon - Manuela Infante
11oktober 2023
14oktober 2023
********** English ********** Manuele Infante has long been exploring how the boundary between that which is human and non-human is created only then to demolish it. In Horizon,
Amours Aveugles
Impossible love, a theme as old as humankind, portrayed and sung by the very greatest. For their latest dance creation, Rosalba Torres Guerrero and Koen Augustijnen take their inspiration from Clau
*** English *** In this new production, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Hans Op de Beeck, Jan-Jan Van Essche and Floris De Rycker find inspiration in the economically and culturally thriving F
********** English ********** The music of Ali is the result of a whole new approach to opera composition. In their score, Grey Filastine, Walid Ben Selim and Brent Arnold combin