
Looking for somewhere to go out in Brussels this evening or weekend? Are you visiting Brussels for the first time and would like some ideas for cultural outings?

Here's the programme of the most popular events taking place in November, December and January and find out what to do in the city this week.

  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C
  • Culturius logo with the letter C in white and a large red dot closing the letter C


30 events found
Place2B est le concept qu'il te faut si tu es un amoureux de son Underground et des tous derniers sons Rap US. Une soirée s'adressant à tous les amoureux Trap,Hip Hop, rap féminin et R&B du moment.
SHOW 08.30PM TO 10.30PM / 15€ PARTY 10.30PM TO 04.00AM /15€ SHOW + PARTY / 26€ Après deux longues années d'absence, Madame Moustache ré ouvre enfin ses portes et a l'immense honne
Romanian house is all about deep, hypnotic rhythms and stripped-back grooves that draw you into a world of minimal, immersive sound. Rhadoo, a key figure in Romanian house, has been shapin
This party has always been more than just a dancefloor—it’s a space where we embrace our identities, uplift our community, and connect through music, energy, and love. Get ready for a nigh
DJ Stingray 313 is a pioneering figure in electronic music, known for exploring themes of science, technology, and their effects on humanity. His career began in 1987 with the group Nasa, and later
Schacke, a half-Danish, half-South Korean musician based in Copenhagen, has been producing diverse sounds since their teens. With roots in Metal, Noise, and Industrial, Schacke has evolved into ele
BUNT. means ‘colourful’ in German. And this young man certainly is that. He’s not just a DJ but also a producer and multi-instrumentalist who puts all of his talents to use to create infectious, ex
We can't get enough. We renamed our "GAY BERLIN" edition to "QUEER BERLIN" as it better translates the spirit of the artists we invite who have an influence on Berlin's queer nightlife. To close of
As one of the UK’s best-loved selectors Skream has enjoyed the kind of consistency most DJs and producers can only dream of. His passion for collecting and playing music is unrelenting; disco, hous
↘︎ Tickets via __________ ↘︎ At Fuse, we want an inclusive and respectful environment. Wanna be heard? Talk to a member of our Awareness Team inside the venue or se

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