“If The Doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it
is: infinite.” (William Blake)
Alex Agnew is bekend als Stand-Up comedian, podcaster en zanger. In 201
Yves Deruyter & Friends - Special Edition 40Y DJ
22:00 - 06:00
Mechelsesteenweg 302, 2830 Willebroeck, Province d'Anvers, Belgique
Événements suggérés
Բելգիայում առաջին անգամ Հայ Դեմոկրատների Միությանն աջակցությամբ Թալինն ու
ընկերները կներկայացնեն "Եկեք երգենք և պարենք Թալինի և ընկերների հետ" համերգը
Բրյուսելում: Միաժամանակ «Սևան» պարախու
Ballet Del'Art Gala
Get ready for a night of elegance and grace at the Ballet Del'Art Gala! Join us
at the Mechelen Cultural Center
For the next Bota By Night we’ve invited the Moroccan, Brussels-based dj Ojoo to
curate a room and we’re happy to say some absolute heavyweights will star on the
line-up. The Netherlands’ finest se
During the renovation of Studio and Salle M, Bozar collaborates with the
temporary cultural hub Reset to present a sequence of 10 concerts of electronic
music. These sensory spectacles unfold withi
> Bekir Develi'nin "Gönle Düşen Muhabbetler" adlı stand-up şovu komik
> enstantaneleri mizahi bir üslupla ele alarak, izleyenlere keyifli ve eğlenceli
> anlar sunuyor. T<
After a short break, we’re glad to announce our 21st installment and first event
of the new year—a Christmas present, if you will—highlighting the tour of
Beijing based sound artists and fr
Sing-a-Poor Swing werd in de loop van 2024 gevormd door drie studenten van
d'Academie Podium Sint-Niklaas. Zangeres Irina Ladik, gitarist Antonio Travaglin