Behind the Curtains - Live model drawing


Be inspired by the beauty of the human body and let your imagination flow as you draw. During this inspiring and artistic evening, you sketch a model in different poses from 1 to 10 minutes at first. Then take a break, have a drink at the bar and talk to people during the pause. After that, work more with longer poses in the second part.

All skills and levels welcome! Some drawing materials are available, such as A3 paper, pencils, charcoal, tabletop easels and soft pastels, but feel free to bring your own tools. The first drink is included in the ticket.

This event happens every second Thursday of the month at FactorIJ, the gallery and multicultural space in IJburg, Amsterdam East. The sessions (try to) follow the schedule below:

19:15-19:30 - walk in
19:30-20:20 - first part
20:20-20:30 - pause
20:30-21:10 - second part
21:10-21:30 - sharing circle

Don't miss this exciting opportunity to connect with others and explore the beauty of figure drawing in a creative and welcoming environment. Come with your open mind and have fun. See you there! :)

Événements suggérés

Bu gösteriyi sahneleyecek grup, doğaçlama tiyatroyla yeni tanışan ya da daha önce birkaç kez deneyimlemiş kişilerden oluşuyor. Hepsi farklı geçmişlerden geliyor ama ortak bir noktaları var: